Providing the Standing Desk Transition Plan hasn’t just driven healthier standing – it’s also provided us with lots of feedback from real-world standers.
And one thing we hear a lot is that people find themselves feeling distracted and restless while standing.
We’ve come to call this distraction “positional standing fatigue”.
Standing should make you feel great and increase your productivity, so this needs to be addressed. We’ve found one of the best ways to combat this is by planning in natural variation into your standing; primarily with a foot or knee prop, or with varied surfaces to stand on.
As we covered in Improving Your Movement, varying your foot and leg positions is essential. Let’s make it more concrete. Here are some easy ways to use common everyday objects to vary your posture, naturally building a larger set of motions while standing.
Make Your Anti-Fatigue Mat Work for You
You should already have a quality anti-fatigue mat. Try using it more strategically.
Set the front of it approximately 2-4 inches from the edge of your standing desk, so you can alternate between soft and hard. One easy step doubled the surface variation you’re experiencing!
You can also vary the same concept by placing the mat length wise under the desk, dividing your workspace into two stations by simply sliding your key board to the left or right, standing on the ground or mat.
This will allow you to easily and naturally switch for more varied sensory feedback, enabling you to stand with less posture fatigue.
Get a Little Captain in You
The “Captain Morgan” position can be assumed by using a foot stool under your desk as a foot or knee prop (or even your computer tower for a make-shift option).
This adds a whole new range of motion for your hip, and knee, and ankle while standing.
Here’s a simple hack. Everyone has an office chair lying around. Use your office chair as a foot/knee prop to allow for greater hip range of motion. You can also swivel it while using it as a prop, to flex and extend the knee, and even get a good hamstring or quad stretch in. But be careful to stay balanced and avoid falling.
Stay on the Ball
Bring a soccer ball or volleyball inside and use it as a soft foot prop.
This can add a plethora of ankle and foot motions. You’ll likely notice your foot and ankle generating spontaneous micro-movements. These help to free your subconscious from dealing with positional boredom and pressure points, and allow for more thoughtful, concentrated, knowledge work.

Like this (but without the cleats).
Start with simple ankle flexion and extension movements (up and down), and ankle circles with toes in contact with the ball.
Wrapping Up – Get Something Under Your Desk
Sit still! Stop Fidgeting! Now that you are transitioning to working while standing, it’s time to break those old rules!
You don’t have to remain static and stationary – in fact it’s much healthier not to. There are many small movements that can now be easily added into your work time that actually help you stay focused, healthy, and strong.
So get to work with something a little odd under your desk. Your body and mind will thank you for it.
Do you have any experience using foot props or even toys under your desk? Let us know in the comments!
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