Transition Plan Index

Sitting to Standing Transition Plan
Learn the best way to switch to a standing desk.
Upgrade Your Environment
Because traditional desks and chairs are limiting you.
  • A standing desk isn’t just a taller sitting desk. Your monitor needs to rise more than your keyboard. Ideal horizontal spacing changes. Get measurements for your ideal standing desk (and even free plans to build one) with this awesome calculator.
  • Experiment with different standing surfaces. Shoes can provide padding, but on a hard surface can reduce healthy range of motion. Consider investing in an anti-fatigue mat.
  • START SLOW. You’ve likely been sitting for years – don’t dive in by standing for hours at a time. Start with 15 minute increments once per hour. The best tasks for first time standing are those monotonous ones that always seem to take more time than they should.

Enhance Your Posture
Because “not sitting” isn’t the right way to stand.

After 2 weeks or so, you’ll likely be comfortable enough to try standing for longer periods of time. This makes standing right even more crucial. When you approach your desk, set your posture like this:

  1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward.
  2. Arch your lower back (like you’re slightly sticking your butt out).
  3. Keep your abdominal muscles partially contracted to support your back in a neutral position.
  4. Lift your shoulders up, then roll them back and down, and relax in this posture.
  5. Keep your head centered on your shoulders.

This process will help you set your posture for sustained healthy standing. Click “See More Detail” for some useful exercises to help repair the damage years of sitting have done to your muscles.

Improve Your Movement
Because your best position is your next position.

Standing still for long periods of time isn’t any better than sitting still. That’s why it’s important to move in a smart way. This can range from specific movement exercises (click “See More Detail” for those) to simple stuff, like dance breaks when you send an email, or a few firm calf raises while you work.

Most importantly, move early and move often. A key benefit of standing is the increased range of motion available to you. Use it!

Because standing right should make you feel amazing.
We’re serious about this one. Pain is not a natural side effect of standing or aging. If something hurts, let’s fix it.
Get the Plan Delivered
Because you should be equipped for success.
Complete with recommendations, standing schedule guide, mobility exercises, troubleshooting, and more. At your fingertips in seconds, and easy reference throughout your process. Get the plan now – instant delivery, always free – to guarantee healthy working.


  1. […] And a standing desk at work will certainly help address those issues (especially if your desk is configured correctly). But it’s important to stand right, because when it comes to blood flow, impaired metabolism, and disease – standing still is just as bad as sitting. That’s why we keep hammering on improving your movement at your standing desk, and why movement is a massive component of our transition plan. […]

    September 18, 2014
  2. […] Posture portion of the Quitting Sitting Transition Plan. You can view the main index of the plan here, or have it emailed to you, instantly, in […]

    September 19, 2014
  3. […] Movement portion of the Quitting Sitting Transition Plan. You can view the main index of the plan here, or have it emailed to you, instantly, in […]

    September 19, 2014

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